05 August, 2008

SINGfest baby!! (part ii)

SINGfest DAY 2!!
sun is still as hot as day before.all the sweats and sticky people..
not soo great..
many many many people compare to day one..like duh?
the tix's sold out on day 2!

really sucky. it's like on day 1 we were right infront, and fucking far back on day 2 when initially we were right infront but cause we have to leave to go backstage.. total crap!

But i guess i shouldn't complain..because when on the 2nd day when we first get there we were ask to decide among the 5 facebook winners and their friends which three will meet jason and which seven will meet panic! SO LUCKY ME, WHO LOVES JASON AND WAS WERAING HIS TEE GETS TO MEET HIM! with two other girls.

And the rest will meet panic!

so guth,was sad and didn't want to meet panic! says : "for what?! i don't even like them.."

so i ask the lady(on day 2 was much nicer not pms-ing like day 1) if i could go in guths place for panic! she says ok! so i went for both jason and panic! HAHAHAHA!After taking this pic, one of the panic! guy says,"hey blabla jason mraz..." i didn't really heard what he say but something about his telling the other panic! guy about me cuz i'm wearing jason mraz tee.. LOL! and yes i love jason MR A-Z and am taking pics with you. LOLOLOL!Group shot! From left to right- amelie, stef, guth, jess, lizanne and mae.

At the end of the day it's still great, cuz we've got nothing to lose. HEH. what more could we ask for? free tix for both days? and a whole lot of fun time?!

I got more pics but yet to upload. pics of all the bands and stars.

till then

love jess.

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