24 June, 2007

i miss YOU,YOU and not forgetting YOU!

gosh.i miss many people actually.that's what it means above.

aye..i'm soo f'kin lack of life la..
i've been saying this like since dunno when?everyone's busy with their own stuff,and me?i'm just wasting my life away.damn.
i've been doing nothing for 4 months now..and counting........

i know what i want to do.
urgh.life's just so unfair.

i guess some people choose to die cuz' they don't have to face all the shit that ain't coming
yes,that AIN'T COMING'! means never will..hah.

i wonder anyone go and die cuz' they dunno what to do in life...


anyway,i think it's the world most stupid thing to do can??!!!

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