16 June, 2007

someone told me water between your contact lens and eyes is a breeding ground for germs and your eye could go blind.

i read this after i put my lens back into my eye just after i take it out from the erm..the cup fill with tap water left overnight on the floor,guess some dust manage to get their way into it though..
and i had difficulty putting it back cuz it somehow was stuck at the corner of my eyeball.what an asshole to forget such an important stuff,damn.

and now my eye seems to have a little bit of a problem functioning..LOL.
(i might have exaggerated a bit,it's just feeling kinda uncomfortable)

is it the lack of sleep or my lens giving me problem?

damn.i don't wanna go blind la,i haven't see enough of this world.

the moral of the story is REMEMBER YOUR LENS CASE AND SOLUTION!
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