23 May, 2007

jas,this is for you.

My name? -jasmine...

Where did we meet? -at home when i was a kid and start recognising people?hahaha.

Take a stab at my surname? -teng..duh..

How long have you known me? -mm,let's see..19 years..!

How well do you know me? -inside out.outside in.

Do I smoke? -goodness,of cuz not,it stink.

Do I believe in God? -yup,u pray every night =)

When you first saw me what was your impression? -...your're my sis?

Birthday? -20 may.except 1 mth and 1 day after.HAHA!

Color hair? -black with brown here and there

Color eyes? -grey contacts

Do I have any siblings? -me and bro

Have you ever had a crush on me? -what are you kidding me?maybe?ROFL.

What's one of my favorite things to do? -tanning,except it rains whenever you wanna go..

Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you? -no.like 19years ago can?let me guess..mei mei?

What's my favorite type of music? -back street boys??heh.no?ok then spice girls?i know la,f.o.b kind..

What is the best feature about me (physically)? -..erm?

Am I shy or outgoing?? -shy?

Would you say I am funny? -erm..okok.

Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules? -i guess u follow all the rules?

Would you consider me a friend? -er...

Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or
something else? -a little of everything..hahahahahaha...except the bad ones.

Have you ever seen me cry? -er..yah..

If there were one good nickname for me what would it be? -piggy porggy.HEHE =p

How tall am I? -165

If you had to choose one thing to change about me, what would it be? -dare to pseak,ask..,you know what i mean..

How often do you see me?(daily, weekly, etc..) -24/7

Did I ever play sports, and which ones? -volleyball?

Have you ever kissed me? -maybe when i was a kid?

Have you ever been jealous of me? -oh yes! when mom bought you that discman =( hah.

Have I ever been drunk? -the last time we went mos.i even took pics.rofl.

Have I ever done drugs? -sort of..isn't every medicine is drugs?so panadol counts right?ahaha.

Have I ever had a crush on you? -oh well,NO WAY.

Am I in love or have I ever been in love? -yes but no.yes.

What is my favorite holiday? -you mean x'mas?

Do I have any musical talents? -nah..but if recorders count..teehee.

Am I a leader or follower? -not follower of cuz.

Have I impacted your life in any way? -yes,you wake me up early morning to ask me if you could borrow stuff.grr.

Do I know you well? -i guess

What pets do I have, if any? -pet cockroaches.jim and tom.

My best personality trait is? -i'll leave this blank.

Do I have any piercings? -nape and monroe

Any tattoos? -no,but thought of getting a star on your neck long ago..

Do you feel you are the best friend that you could be to me? -...

don't ask me
i know you too well.
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