21 July, 2007

(this is gonna be a very long post)

so,it's the 1st day of work at the airport inside terminal 1..
and i thought,my job was just mainly to sell stuff,you know those retail thingy.no problem.
i was damn wrong!!!

initially it was okay.
the auntie teach me how to make coffee,tea all the whatsoever..until i got many things to do,like sort of you know people call it 'pao ka liao'
serve the damn food,make drinks.clear the fucking table,and..bla bla bla..
i was seriously stressed up!SERIOUS!
i'm very new so,could you chill for a sec?just a sec..damnit!
and also miscommunication with those auntie.and a malay girl,she gives me fuck face.WELL FUCK HER!
and i heard a auntie sort of badmouth me,you know la,aunties!!!

then that was when i had enough.
fuck i'm off!

this is the first fucking time i wanted to go off soo badly,and look at me,i'm not as strong as you think i am.sometimes i'm just putting up a strong front.

but actually i'm kinda vulnerable.

it's not a good thing,but this is me,this is just the way i am.people who know me well sure knows.
i hate to say this but i'm kinda 'princessy' in certain ways sometimes.LOL.
but the the Cinderella kind.
i do anything you ask.I'd dirty my hands,mess my hair,it doesn't matter.

i mention this a lot of times la,i'm like if you're nice to me,then i'll be nice to you.
then if i'm nice to you i expect the same.

and i'm really really a nice person,but i got limits.everyone does..no?

so,i sort of in tears(first fucking time this happen to me)or actually already in tears,i told the supervisor,i can't take it i can't continue.

and so i went off,you know what happen is i guess i'm in a state of dunno what,i actually forgot how to get out of that place,i was lost.my mind is blank.i was standing in the middle of dunno where,actually crying.ahaha(whatever)

so i text the manager,the one who hired me to apologize out of being polite,nice uncle i must say.
then he reply and ask me what happened?and he even apologize to me.i should be the one la..
he ask me to stay,and put me in other places..

and again out of being nice,i agree.since uncle is such a nice guy.
at least this is much better,except for the pushing and carrying the stock to the store part.that was hell la,heavy like fuck.muscle ache now.

many complains huh?
can't help it.

first time i hate to work soo much.
first time i feel really bad about working and the thought of it,just the thought of it can make me cry.no joke.

that's how bad i'm feeling..i wish i could die.

guess i'm just not cut out for this job.bah!what a failure..

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