26 July, 2006


wow been busy lately..today my off day..but think im gonna stay home to rest,or because im damn broke to even go out.haha.
anyway pq send me this mms and i have to go the the ideas website to view it,and i tried loggin in to see the pic but all i get is shit..and im actually kinda pissed.
haha,but the thing is,i send a complaint mail regarding that incident.
AND! the person actually call to help me..hahahahaha..i dunno why im laughing my ass off now!
i think its damn funny la..cuz all i do is send a mail and i didn't expect anything.hahaha!!!!
im still laughing,im typing while talkin' to the person,i think i should give up already la..tried many tyms,the manual set up thingy..lol!!!
but its soo nice of the person to help me,she is soo patient la.then she finally give up and say,i think for your case you have to go to singtel hello counter
i give up!
ok la,gotta go eat..ciao!
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