30 June, 2006

capital 'G' for jeff

met jeff yesterday at bugis just to accompany him to bras basah(?) to the guitar shop.
jeff jeff..how many hundreds of things u wanna get??the list is never ending.want another guitar,when u just bought one not long ago???so greedy la u!
and what's more?your guitar is good enough aight!why can't u just buy something that u really need?oh god!please help this poor kid..

indian's rojak for dinner,yay!my favourite!and mutton curry,bought back to jf's place,and as usual he gobble up half of it even before i had my third piece =( heh,that explain his size..hahaha..think i exaggerated quite abit.but whatever..

watched singapore idol(not a fan,and never did)i think geraldine is good looking,nevermind she didn't get through.i mean she sings just ok,so maybe she could be a actress or something..you know with the looks she have.hah!forget bout' idol man.she kinda resemble maia,only thinner and taller version.haha..but i think geraldine looks better than her of cuz!in my opinion..hehe.

argh..miss going to the movies..movies anyone?
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