21 November, 2006

wow..!(relief)after 5 days of work i'm finally having my day off! yippee!!
i'm like soo drain already.
argh,i'm damn weak now la.i used to work at the expo for 10 days straight and yet i didn't complain for a single second,and it's like from 10 to 10..gosh..
but all i did was to sit on the chair till i knock off.lmao..! maybe that's why i'm not even complaining.hehe..

i created a new record..my own record!(yea,i sound so macho now)
i suppose to reach work at 10,get out of my house at 9 and wake up at 8.yet i wake up at 9!!!
but guess what?
i made it to the shop at 10.02!!!
cool huh?lol! i think so you know?!
and all that i have to do is run to the bus stop,
run to the train station,
then from city hall,i run to m.s which is like hell far away!!!
yah..so i made it!!
it's like a damn miracle..

fuck! i guess i almost faint in the shop!(my stomach is damn empty i haven't anything to eat)
(oh yah then i got this bad stomachache,i wanted to shit so badly..)

so,i'm going to have a good day today..
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