28 September, 2006

went jb yesterday with sis and aunt.well what can i say?it was nice but rather not really nice,u know?

anyway,was at the Sg custom where you get your passport scan then you gotta put your stuff through the thing to scan,then you gotta walk through the thing that scan you..bla bla bla..

(in line with sis..aunt right at far back..)

then obviously there's nothing,and ironically the stupid guy(you know who,i'm not naming anyone)seeing that we got our piercings,stop us,wanting to check our stuff and bags.haloo??are they too free or what?and by doing this they might actually miss the chances of catching the real crook..!
i know they are doing their job,well,good job,but not really.
what the hell is wrong with them??
a crook won't dress like a crook! like duh?!
dumb ass.

And they actually discriminate us!fucking pissed.
with our piercings and cuz'..nevermind,shall keep my mouth shut.
what the fuck?!what's wrong with having a piercing?i love it,then what should you care??!
some singaporeans should try to open up their damn effin mind!
it's no longer year-where-your-grand-grand-dads leave ya?
pea brains.

lucky people around me are actually quite open minded,and we are all
singaporeans..learn to be like us eh?
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